Wondirful newes!
Monday, August 14, 2006
By seynte Edward! Yt hath ben a ful stressfule weke, ful of much hastie and sodein laboure, but al of my effortes haue produced fayre and honourable fruyt thurgh the assistance of my frende and my Kinge.
Wednesdaye laste, ich was yn my lawn-chayre slepynge aftir a longe night of pwninge noobs, whanne ich was awook by Tommy Vske, who had travelid as fast as he coud from Londoun.
Litel Vsk ys nowe a serjeant-at-armes for my lord Kinge Richard. And he thus broghte tidynges to me in execucion of his office. Writtes had ben ysent to everye contee for the eleccioun of menne to speke for the communes in parlement, and the eleccioun was to be held that Sundaye in Canterburye. And therwithal my lorde Kynge Richarde had sente Vsk to telle me to runnen for parlement, for the Kynge seyde that he wolde lyk sum gode men and trewe and loyale to his majestee to be ther attendaunt vpon the parlement.
"Thinkstow that folke wille voten for me?" quod I.
"Hekke yes. Ich wolde vote for thee," he spak.
"And yet, what skille haue ich?" ich askede.
"Thou hast a swete litel woolen hatte. And thou art prettye good at enrollinge accountes, plus thou art lyk the onlie guye in the shire who ys enditinge a lengthie frame-tale collecioun in the englysshe tonge."
With gretest haste, we wente to Canterburye, and ther dide campaigne amonge the peple. Vsk did helpe me by vsinge his skilles of drawinge to make cunninge billes and posteres for me, the whiche we putte vpon the dores of chirches and of grete halles. We also hadde manye a litel signe of liveree on whiche was write ‘VOTE FOR CHAUCER.’ By cause we hadde the aide of my lord the kinge, we were gretede wyth grete favour and supporte by the bettir men of the contree.
And thus thurgh the intervencioun of Vske at the beheste of my Kynge, Ich am nowe a KNYGHT OF THE SHIRE! Ye do heare me correctlie, good gentils: in but a fewe monthes ich shal goon to parlement at Westminster to represente the shire of Kente, and be priuy to the grete speches and wise conseyles of grete lordes and grete affaires of the reaume, and eek to complayn aboute the smal detailes of lyf for my constituencie and the lak of stedfastnesse and of good dentale care. The parlement comenceth on the firste daye of October. Ich am so excitede -- this parlement is goinge to be wondirful!
In the mene while, eftsoon ich shal pooste the winneres of the tournamente of photographie. Ye maye stille sende yn entreez if ye haue nat yet hadde a chaunce to do so! Ye maye emayle entreez yn attachement to myn emayle at daliaunce AT hotmail.com.
And als, my newe posicioun yiveth me muche feyth in the wisdam of my conseil. If ye haue eny matirs on which ye mighte wisshe to seke myn advyce or conseil, emayle me at daliaunce AT hotmail.com.
And nowe ich must haue sum newe suites fittede for me.
Ich am so pleased for thee, Master Chaucer, yet I feere that the duties of parlement may delay the publisshinge of thy Tales, the which I have anxiously awaited these many months.
ReplyDeleteMayster Chaucer, I haue grete ioy of your acchyuemente of hygh dygnytee.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am eek ryght blythe that I am but knyght bacchelere that wynneth my worshyppe thurgh feets of armes at chyualry, forwhy my concyte and wyt is passyng lowe vnder the mesure ynough vnto gouernaunce of the reame, for ther is euer noys of gynnes and couenes of menn at parlemente, and dyuers are of false entencyoune. And sume menn ernen dygnytees whereof hy mayen hauen swete and ydel lyf wherein a mann requyreth noone werke to his sustaynaunce, and hy euer are in Mexyke and oother laundes of fayre wether, and yetten euer hyr salayres of the eschequerye lyke as hy dyden ful goode werke to the reame. This methynketh be ryght fals vsagge ydoone, but I haue noone doute to your troothe vnto your dygnytee, Masyter Chaucer, wherefore God sende you speede and thryfte.
Syr Percyual of Wales
Stop the Crusades! Not in my name! Victory to the Saracen! Sala-al-Din is cool! Impeach the King!
ReplyDelete"Stop the Crusades!"
ReplyDeleteHelas, nowe that ich shalle goon to parlement, muste my blogge become 'politicale'? But for to speke of crusades, ich knowe nat oon soule in Engelonde who doth thinke that the crusade of the Bishop of Norwich was a good idea
Le Vostre
"Impeach the King!"
ReplyDeleteAlso, ich sholde mencioun that ich shalle nat tolerate eny sort of treson on myn litel blogge. Ich wolde be watchinge out for archeres from Cheshire if ich were yow. At the verye leest ye stande fit to forfeiten yower landes and propertee for swich a sclandre of ower trespuissant lord.
Le Vostre
Maistre Chaucer, may ich yet hope thatte sum of thi "litel signe of liveree on whiche was write ‘VOTE FOR CHAUCER.’" yet remayne by thee? For yt is a certainty that if thou was to cheapen them, they woldst fly from thi onlyne marquet like unto waffels at an hangyng.
ReplyDeleteI stumbled across your site... Very amusing...
ReplyDeleteThat gentil partit knight, Sir George of Galloway sayeth to Sala-al-din, 'Sire, we salute your courage and indefatibility. King Richard is the reale Infidel.'
ReplyDelete‘Stop the Crusades! Not in my name! Victory to the Saracen! Sal-al-Din is cool! Impeach the King!’
ReplyDelete‘That gentil partit knight, Sir George of Galloway sayeth to Sal-al-Din, “Sire, we salute your courage and indefatibility. King Richard is the reale infidel.” ’
Fy on thee. Thou sayest ful euyl vnto al Crysten men and vnto a ryghtwys kyng, and I woote well that thou art clenely a myscreaunt and traytour manyfolde, ryght worthy of dethe. And I ne doute wel that the gentyl yparted knyght Syr Georgge of Galway spake the wordes that thou hast reherst: forsooth thou sleust him that he be yparted vnto Heuene, and madst him to be ydrawen and yquartred vnto al bloody partes parfitly, after thou drecchtst and pyned him in manner ful foul and frowarde, lyk as is foul costom Sarracen. And soone some force of ryghtwyse armes wol payen ful thy wagges, and ne thy soudan Salaudyn, ne Termagaunt and Mahoun (that are thy ful false Sarracen maumettes and felwes and peeres to the fendes in helle) wol delen thee noone mede ne sauuacyoune, maugre thy hede.
Syr Percyual of Wales
Thisse watcheworde of 'reche for the sterres' methinks it hath a most tony blare.
ReplyDeleteGode Sir Percivale, speke nat of that most uile and recreant Sotte, er, Scotte, Georgivs Gallouegivs. He is a knouuen enemie to Our Roial Selfe, and We doute Owre Selfe but litel that thisse parliamente shalle him impeche.
ReplyDeleteHowever, ich shalle the parliament urgen to increse the congestioun charge thatte our noble Lord Ken the Red hath on the dwellers about London laied. Methinketh thatte it shall make the roodes less cluttered and shorten the iourney fro Ouure Hovse at Whitehall unto the Minster.
I beseche Your Maiestyes pardoun vnto my wordes, forwhy I ne knewe that the knyght yclept Syr Georgge of Galway was a false traytour vnto Your Royalle Croune; oft I am woont to deemen menn that holden the ordre of knyghthode trewe in hir chyualry but if there be noys that hy been contrary vnto hir estate, and therefore false. And I am ybounden by myne estate to holden al Crysten knyghtes at peeragge in chyualry, whenesso hy comen, vnlesse hy be contrary vnto the ordre of knyghthode. And the Sarracens are euer false and wycked in hyr delynges and costomes, and hit dooth hem mycchel delyte to drecchen gode Crysten menn.
ReplyDeleteBut I drede me that I haue somdele mysholden this threddes mattere, that is to letten cryen our opynounes vnto Mayster Chauceres atteygnmente of dygnytee at parlemente.
Moste praise unto ye, Maistre Chavcher, for thou hast made grate and full joye unto us alle.
ReplyDeleteDost thou planne to enter yn the joust and the playe of swordes, wyth other Knightes?
Iffen a battel of swordes and of jousting happenes, Lord Antonius Blaire of Westminster would a fyne opponent make.
ReplyDeleteWouldst thou challenge hym to such sporte? A fyghte to ye deathe wouldst spare many menne.
Is that Rudolph the Red Nosed
ReplyDeleteReindeer in the illustration?
Is that Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in the illustration?
ReplyDeleteNay, 'tis a herte of white, for to shewe that ich do supporte goode Kinge Richard. Vsk doth make his drawynges alle of the newe jette, and so yt beth sum tyme a thing of difficultee to see what they signifien.
Le Vostre
Thy Kinge is sikerly wisen to telle a man able as thou to runneth for Parliamnet. Thou art a verray, parfit, and gentil man (and wel endite). Yf thou ranneth for President, ich woldee vote for thee, Geoffrey! Yt hath ben a longe tyme that America had a gode and trewe man in office.
ReplyDeleteIch praise yew for thou eleccioun to parlement. Shaltow be parfit. Kinge Richard wol be ywis heigh to hastow. Ich koude folke wolde vote for yew. Yew han the skille to be hende atte parlement. Nathelees, thoughte syn yew hadde signes, yew nolde lese the eleccioun. Ich am so excitede for yew, Geoffrey! The duties of parlement wol be woodnesse, but, Ich han fey. Ich woldee vote for thee, Geoffrey! Yew artow a gode man Geoffrey!
ReplyDeletebest site
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