no japery todaye


sicut enim corpus sine spiritu emortuum est, ita et fides sine operibus mortua est

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Agayns this horrible synne of Accidie*...ther is a vertu that is called fortitudo or strengthe, that is an affecioun thurgh which a man despiseth anoyouse thynges.

This vertu hath manye speces; and the firste is cleped magnanimitee, that is to seyn, greet corage. For certes, ther bihoveth greet corage agains Accidie, lest that it ne swolwe the soule by the synne of sorwe, or destroye it by wanhope. This vertu maketh folk for to undertake harde thynges and grevouse thynges by hir owene wil, wisely and resonably. And for as much as the devel fighteth agayns a man moore by queyntise and by sleighte than by strengthe, therfore men shal withstonden hym by wit and by resoun and by discrecioun.

* - Accidia, the mortal sin the which signifieth slownesse to act and hopelessness - sum tyme on Englisshe it ys ycleped 'Sloth,' yet it nis nat mere laziness of body but a couch-potato-ness of soule.

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6 comment "no japery todaye"

  1. It isn't an alien disease,
    it's cause is well-known, banal almost;
    it strikes at those who might be at their ease
    and turns each one into a living ghost.
    We blame the victim, calling it a crime,
    and fail to see the human underneath;
    we do not think of what is now short time,
    and howl when the lie's thrown back into our teeth.
    To mourn the dead is not enough, I know,
    to help the living is a humane deed,
    but more than that to crush the evil seed
    and force the dread disease away to go.
    Let us remember, under the calm sun,
    those who remain, and those whose lives are done.

  2. Fine thoughts, Master Geoffrey, full of high sentence, and most elegantly phrased.


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