Mongrel Nacion: Regnum Anglorum, en demi-part Ynglisshe

Mesemeth that Mongrel Nation sholde be a showe of televisioun of muchel plesaunce and sentence. Yt peyneth me soore that ich haue nat yet viewed it. Yet, may the wyse and witty Therese Niels-Son Heydon be thonkid, ich (and ye) kan watch it vpon ye-tube. Certes, Eduard d'Eissard ys a man of muchel charme, and certes Guillaume de Bragge singeth trewely. nota bene: Ich am curteisly and fairly corrected by e-mayle from Patrick Niels-Son Heydon that the name ys nat in no way spellid "d'Auyden" but rathir "Heydon" lyn vnto the toun in Northefolk. How Gower of me, to add in Frensshe whersoevir ich mighte.

7 comment "Mongrel Nacion: Regnum Anglorum, en demi-part Ynglisshe"

  1. This ben moste trewe, Sire Geoffroi. Of a certaintie, Maister d'Eissart saieth manie things of sooth about the historie of ovre faire lond. And the troubadour Guillaume de Braga ben an singer of grete wit. This shewe of television doth have myn favour.

  2. Master Chaucer, forgive my poor American accent. I am quite envious that I shall not be able to view Mongrel Nation, as it sounds very interesting, and Master d'Eissard is both intelligent and amusing. Perhaps someday it will cross the great Atlantic Ocean to be seen by us, your distant relations.

  3. Taak thisse nat amysse, bot I have of late visited thine grave in the grete chirche y-cleped Westminster. I moste seie it sheweth grete foresighte to arrange the maner of thy grave in avance, for sholde we nat be forever thinking on our deth?

  4. "Taak thisse nat amysse, bot I have of late visited thine grave in the grete chirche y-cleped Westminster. I moste seie it sheweth grete foresighte to arrange the maner of thy grave in avance, for sholde we nat be forever thinking on our deth?"

    Trewely, ther beth a funnye storye involvinge this oon. Whan ich was researchinge for the Tale of the Miller, ich bought a gret deel of that which the latins clepen "erotica." For reserche al oon, ich promise yow! Eny way, ich haue on to thys gret trove of shadye material y-held, in caas ich nede ayein to continue reserch.

    Whan my meynee did moue to Kent, howevir, ich dredid that Philippa wolde fynde thes lerned magazines ich had in my closet y-stashid. And thus ich askid a freend at Westminster if he coud fynde a place for my "bawdy." The wel-meninge soul, in feyth, thoghte that ich wantid a grave for my "body."

    But oon space is as good as anothir. So ich assure yow, if ye look within that space in westminstre ye shal fynde the satiricon of petronius arbiter and the de coitu of constantyn the afrikan, several histories of boccaccio the which were left out of the decameron, and eek sum fewe issues of "forehead lovere" and "grey eyed ladyes going hawkinge" from the presses of the frensshe court. Remember, thogh, ich do rede of it for the articles!

    And that is the situacion wyht Westminstre.

    Le Vostre

  5. And I didst think twas thy grete pietee which did thee moue... I moste have bene wood! Thinkest thou that Kynge Richarde be like to forgyve me sholde I breke into thy porn-horde in that faire royale peculiar?

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