"the swyving stays"

A playe of myn werkes ys too hotte for friares in Spayne. Was yt the fartynge that dide scare them, or was yt the fact that yt was a friare who was yfarted vpon?

4 comment ""the swyving stays""

  1. To ben ane mediæval poete ben ane curse
    To wryte of queynte matters and of ers.
    If fartinge ben the thynge, why then by mayne
    Force it ben forbidden atte chirche in Spayne;
    If swyving ben the probleme, why then wyve;
    But preestes be so forbidden. Whatte the swyve?
    'Tis sure that poetry ben still ane lyvinge arte
    That techethe us to love, and eke to farte.

  2. Ich haue kenneth that thou art a fanne of Boethius. A gode choice, veryle.

  3. ‘Twas not thy fertyng that dide bruste myn bredful braynes, but thilke fylm by Pasolini that liketh me noght. To maynne alde freke. Ich pitied the byrdes!

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